Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Bell-ringer 10/22/13

Anti federalist - Belief - Opposed ratification of the Constitution
Supporters - James Winthrop and Melancton Smith

Federalist - Beliefs- They believed in a strong national government.
Supporters - Landowners, judges, and lawyers

Democrat 1800- Beliefs - They believed in the states rights and did not like the governments involvement in social and economic affairs.
Supporters - Jefferson

Whigs - Beliefs - The believed in a stronger government the was controlled by congress.
Supporters - Daniel Webster, William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Henry Clay

Democrat  1860 - Beliefs - Same as other
Supporters - Split between North and South

Republicans 1860 - Beliefs - They believed things should stay relatively the same and unified.
Supporters - People who weren't democratic.

Democratic 1932 - Same

Republican 1932 - Same

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