Tuesday, October 22, 2013

10/21/13 Essay


     Obesity has grown, and it has grown with a dangerous rate. Fast food is not the problem. People have the choice to eat at fast food. People do not have to eat there; they choose to do so. Although, fast food does play a big part in the obesity rate. If things continue, 58% of the population will be obese by - well this year actually.
     One in five Americans are considered obese. It is found that fast food restaurants stay clustered around schools. They also try to make the fast food restaurants walking distance. In some schools, they do not help the obesity rate as well. Some schools sell greasy pizza and other unhealthy foods. Not many people realize this but many soft drinks also contribute to obesity.
     In conclusion, there is many different factors that contribute to obesity. Obesity is becoming a problem, and it just keeps growing and growing. Factors include fast food, schools, and others. Obesity will never leave, and we need to take initiative to try to cut back on the obesity.

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