Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/13 Bellringer

1.) I think Kmart can do whatever they want, but I really don't think Kmart is so important of a store that they will get all that much business to make a difference. I really think if it was more of the workers complaining that they wanted to spend thanksgiving day with their families then it would be a different story.

2.) In the U.S. you can't get married to the same sex, but I don't feel that they discourage gay relations.

Monday, November 4, 2013

11/4/13 Bellringer

1.) There will be less voters.
2.) It depepnds on the requirments.
1.) No because the boy wasn't hurting anyone. It wasn't roght what he was doing, but the neighbor could have taken more appropraite actions.
2.) Society is messed up.